Bug Out Bag Checklist

US Preppers Bug Out Bag Guide

While the other checklists you’ve found here on US Preppers have been geared more towards sheltering-in-place, this one is specifically tailored to your needs in the event staying put is not in your best interests.

Many of the essentials of food and water are the same when it comes to daily requirements, but weight and space now enter into your list of priorities. Dehydrated and freeze-dried foods will dominate your supplies and a portable water filter to will become your best friend. Seated next to these are a suitable shelter and a variety of survival gear designed to meet your basic needs away from home. This checklist’s focus is on the bug-out bag, a backpack or duffel bag or even a suitcase, that is packed a ready to go when an emergency hits.

However, if you have the means for, say, a bug-out vehicle making the weight and space issue of a single pack less of a priority, an additional wish list of supplies and gear is included below the bug-out bag basics.


Download the PDF file .

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Welcome and thanks for visiting! My name is Robert and our mission at US Preppers is to help you prepare for emergencies or disasters before they happen. As a family man and father of two boys, I am concerned about the future of our modern way of life. We know things can happen and we are not going to be complacent and let society dictate our survival.

We are US Preppers!