Urban homesteading is becoming more and more popular, for preppers and non-preppers alike. The truth is there is nothing better than being able to provide your...
Author - Amber Williams
The ultimate defense in any situation is to be trained and well prepared. If you are properly prepared to defend yourself, you will not just be able to protect...
There are many great survival methods and tips out there, most of which are the best way to go in most situations. Nonetheless, you never know when you might...
Tactical training, just by the name alone, sounds pretty intense. Military personnel and police officers utilize tactical training, just the mere thought that...
Whether a disaster strikes or not, being able to defend yourself is something everyone should strongly consider. In a SHTF scenario, or in everyday life...
Whether you like to admit it or not, defense is a huge key to preparing for TEOTWAWKI. We like to believe that people are inherently good, but when faced with...
It may seem surprising by looking at life in America today, however, it was but only a few decades ago that bartering existed as a common practice that many...
Patients of all sorts, not just preppers, are concerned about the expiration dates that are provided with over the counter and prescription medications. I...
Everyone makes mistakes; but when it’s a matter of life or death a small mistake can be a costly, sometimes fatal error. It is easy to feel overwhelmed in the...